About Us

carb companion

No more logs and compolicated apps

As a newly diagnosed diabetic, I started with keeping logs of what I ate.  I liked writing in a physical log book.  At first, it was fun and manageable.  After writing my third and fourth book, I realized this was not going to work.  Looking through multiple books to find the carbs in my favorite burrito was impractical, and I was just two months in.  I researched a bunch of apps but did not do the basic things I needed.  I wanted a simple app to write down the restaurant (or home-cooked) with a meal item and how many carbs it has.  Then, come back later to easily find that information.   Luckily my dad builds apps for a living.  We worked together to come up with Carb Companion.  It does exactly what I wanted.  I hope it will work for you too. 


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We will not share your data with anyone. We only collect this information to improve our app and understand our users.